Adelaide Steiner Education Association
Fleurieu Waldorf Education Association
Waldorf Class Tutoring
7 years through primary school - classes 1, 2 & 3 in 2024
An experienced teacher/tutor provides classwork for home schooling families, main lesson, literacy and numeracy and handwork.
Visit our website for registration and information
Mindful Family Life
Mindful Family Life has grown from the need for connection, support and care for families.
Nurturing well being for ourselves, our children, our family and our communities.
Workshops, Courses, Home visits, One on One consults, Steiner Playgroups, Nature Play.
- Steiner Nature Playgroups (see 'Playgroups');
- Courses and workshops (see 'Workshops');
- Workshops for your community (see 'Workshops');
- Personal consultations for families One on one consults in person or via Zoom, home visits and more. Please email or phone 0403 890 234 for more information.
Social media: and
Ink Pot Arts
Ink Pot Arts is an award-winning NFP organisation based in Mt Barker. We offer supportive, fun, high-quality opportunities to explore the performing arts through workshops and events. Our workshops are led by creative professionals & provide not only the chance to develop new skills, but great companionship across different generations, cultures & life experiences. Regular programs include drama, singing, ukulele, and circus. Specialty workshops are available on request.
Beginners Ukulele - all ages
Intermediate Ukulele - all ages
Creative Dance - Children – all ages
The Gathering Wave all-comers choir - all ages
Drama - 7-12 year olds
Drama - 12-18 year olds
Circus for 5-6, 7-10, 6-12 year olds
'Come and Try' sessions
Please contact us for details:
Mobile: 0429 673 327
Social media:
Creative Living with Children - Susan Laing
An informative website with unique detailed profiles of each age group, plus general parenting advice and some guidelines for festivals with children. Susan also posts interesting articles on her public Facebook page, Creative living with Children, for new research on areas of interest to parents.
Latin Tuition Beginner to Advanced
Chris Charles is offering beginner to advanced tuition in Latin.
For more information please contact Chris
Telephone: 08 8362 5405
The Christian Community
From time to time the development of our humanity requires a spirit of renewal. We can observe this in humanity’s history. We also know this in our own personal lives. This spirit of renewal helps enliven and strengthen our work, our sense of direction, and our lives. Just such a spirit of renewal set in motion the founding of The Christian Community in 1922.
3 Anzac Ridge Road, Bridgewater, SA.
Postal - PO Box 216 BridgewaterRev.
Martin Samson Tel - 0488273736
South Australian Branch of the Anthroposophical Society
The Anthroposophic Book Centre and Library
Wednesday-Friday 11am-2pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm
96 Halifax Street, Adelaide
Telephone: 0401 667 443